Visual design

Making it easy to explain the product function with illustrations

My role


The platform

Digital and print mediums

The product


The team

1x Product designer (me)


Using visuals to illustrate the product function made the product stand out and seem straightforward to potential clients.

I created the isometric sketches digitally to show a bird's eye view of the product's main features and use cases.

The product 'connectavo'

connectavo is an intelligent maintenance tool used by industries to log and manage their day-to-day tasks.

CMMS - computerized maintenance management system

The challenge

As a startup, we(the connectavo team) pitch the software application to industries and potential clients.

We would go about explaining how the product will speed up the process of machine maintenance but clients would not make sense of the details or visualize the experience.

It was important to convey how we can help them without having to explain it in long boring sentences.

The narrative illustrated

I discussed the main use cases of our application with the product owners and narrowed down a few feature aspects that we knew will resonate with our client's needs.

Creating links to machine assets

A company has machine assets on different levels and creates a hierarchical link between them to track and manage its health and performance.

Tracking Machine health

With the app linked to machine assets, malfunctioning and maintenance will be pre-notified to avoid downtimes.

Scheduling and assigning Maintenance

Maintenance tasks are assigned to individuals who can look up details and mark the work status on the app.

verifying maintenance status

To verify task completion, individuals scan the machine asset to sign off and mark the work order done.

Recommending smart solutions with AI

If an individual faces an issue, they can look up contextual insights that the AI tool recommends based on relevant tasks completed in the past.

analyzing work performance

Data can be filtered to analyze performance and create work order reports.

Checking the overall maintenance report

From the dashboard, a holistic picture of the company's work flow can be viewed.

A glimpse of the process

Gender Consideration

Because work in industries/warehouses are normally considered a man's job, I tried to create an unbiased and inclusive gender representation by using a combination of male and female figures.


Inked drawings made on pen and paper were later scanned and rendered in Photoshop.

visual style reference

The colors, boxes, shadow intensity and overall visual appearance was kept in line with the product apps's visual identity. I used whites and blues the most to create a clean and minimal look.

Inspiration Board

Researched product visualizations that companies use to effectively explain concepts and add value to their product/service. I collected them on an inspiration board to analyze interesting visual compositions made out of simple lines and shapes.


Product representations were now interesting, precise and had a personality.

The illustrations were readily used in presentations, print materials and the website as part of connectavo's visual identity. A promotional video was later made using these ideas as a reference for animation.